Thursday, April 8, 2010


in the hospital at 2 weeks difficult!

Well, our baby is nearly 2 months old and we are finally starting to feel like life is getting back to "normal". It has been a much more difficult transition for us than we had anticipated, mainly due to two things for our little one: really poor eating and an illness which caused him to be hospitalized for 5 days when he was 2 weeks old. But God has been so faithful to us and has shown us again and again His love for us in so many ways, especially through the love and support shown to us through the body of Christ. It has been overwhelming, really. We have literally had dozens of meals lovingly made by others and folks have stepped in whenever we have had a need for childcare. My mother-in-law was also able to quickly schedule a visit and came and helped us tirelessly for 2 weeks after Matthew came home from the hospital a second time. And after 7 weeks, he finally caught on to nursing and is gaining well. Such a praise after so many hours invested into bottlefeeding and pumping and attempting to get him to nurse effectively! We have also been to numerous medical appointments to follow up on the condition that led to his infection and now more fully understand what is going on, how to keep him well and we have hope he will outgrow it in time. We are so blessed!

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a cutie - LOVE the photo of his feet in the blanket :) Precious